
Ramā Ekādaśī, Kārtika-ārādhanam starts, Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī, Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Dīpāvalī

॥ श्रीः ॥ October 27 October 28 October 29 October 30 October 31 November 1
+5:30 India Udupi HV > 01:14 28.10 Ramā Ekādaśī * Go-vatsa-dvādaśī, Kārtika-ārādhanam starts Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī, Go-pūjā
Kolkata *
Manali *
New Delhi *
Bengaluru *
Gokarna *
Morjim *
+5:00 Tajikistan Dushanbe HV > 00:44 28.10 *
Russia Perm Ramā Ekādaśī Atiriktā Dvādaśī,


Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Ufa 08:20–10:02
Orenburg 08:15–10:02
Yekaterinburg * (<10:02) Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī, Go-pūjā
Surgut * (<10:02)
Chelyabinsk * (<10:02)
+5:00 Kazakhstan Aktobe * (<10:02)
Aktau 08:13–10:02
Kokshetau HV > 00:44 28.10 Ramā Ekādaśī * Go-vatsa-dvādaśī, Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Almaty *
Tekeli *
Ust-Kamenogorsk (Oskemen) *
+6:00 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek HV > 01:44 28.10 *
Russia Omsk *
+7:00 Krasnoyarsk HV > 02:44 28.10 * Go-vatsa-dvādaśī, Kārtika-ārādhanam starts Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī, Go-pūjā
Novokuznetsk *
Novosibirsk *
Barnaul Ramā Ekādaśī *
Tomsk *
Thailand Ko Pha-ngan *
+8:00 Indonesia Denpasar HV > 03:44 28.10 *
+9:00 Russia Mirny HV > 04:44 28.10 *
+10:00 Khabarovsk HV > 05:44 28.10 *
Vladivostok *
+12:00 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky HV > 07:44 28.10 *
+4:00 Armenia Yerevan Ramā Ekādaśī Atiriktā Dvādaśī,


Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
07:33–09:02 Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī, Go-pūjā
Georgia Tbilisi 07:35–09:02
Russia Samara 07:39–09:02
+3:00 Volgograd 06:50–08:02
+4:00 Ulyanovsk 07:49–09:02
+3:00 Pyatigorsk 06:46–08:02
Stavropol 06:52–08:02
Semikarakorsk 07:02–08:02
Krasnodar 07:04–08:02
Kerch 07:15–08:02
Simferopol 07:24–08:02
Russia Donetsk Ramā Ekādaśī 07:15–08:02 Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī, Go-pūjā
Stary Oskol Atiriktā Dvādaśī,


Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Lipetsk 07:20–08:02
+3:00 Voronezh 07:19–08:02
Tambov 07:13–08:02
Kazan 06:51–08:02
Cheboksary 07:00–08:02
Kirov 06:59–08:02
Rostov-on-Don 07:06–08:02
Russia Ryazan 07:25–08:02
Moscow 07:37–08:02
Dubna Ramā Ekādaśī 07:42–08:02 Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī, Go-pūjā
+3:00 Saint Petersburg >12:02 Go-vatsa-dvādaśī,

Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Murmansk >12:02
Kostomuksha >12:02
Arkhangelsk >12:02
Smolensk Atiriktā Dvādaśī,
Go-vatsa-dvādaśī, Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Belarus Gomel 07:54–08:02
Minsk >12:02 Go-vatsa-dvādaśī,

Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Grodno >12:02
+2:00 Ukraine Kharkov Atiriktā Dvādaśī,


Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Poltava 06:32–07:02
Kremenchug Ramā Ekādaśī 06:35–07:02 Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī, Go-pūjā
Krivoy Rog 06:33–07:02
Kiev 06:50–07:02
Kropyvnytskyi (Kirovograd) 06:39–07:02
Nikolaev 06:36–07:02
Odessa 06:40–07:02
Rovno >11:02 Go-vatsa-dvādaśī,

Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
+2:00 Kolomyia >11:02
Israel Ashkelon Atiriktā Dvādaśī,


Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Moldova Kishinev 06:49–07:02
Cyprus Nicosia 06:10–07:02
Latvia Riga Ramā Ekādaśī >11:02 Go-vatsa-dvādaśī,

Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī, Go-pūjā
Jurmala >11:02
Estonia Tallinn >11:02
Lithuania Vilnius >11:02
+1:00 Poland Warsaw >10:02
Germany Hitzacker >10:02
Dillingen an der Donau >10:02
Eppingen >10:02
Austria Vienna >10:02
Switzerland Biel/Biennne >10:02
France Marseille >10:02
Spain Barcelona Ramā Ekādaśī >10:02 Go-vatsa-dvādaśī,

Kārtika-ārādhanam starts
Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī,

Madrid >10:02
+0:00 UK London >09:02
-3:00 (DST) Canada Fredericton * Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī Naraka-ćaturdaśī, Yama-dīpa-dānam Dīpāvalī,

-4:00 (DST) Toronto *
USA New York City *
Miami *
-5:00 Mexico Cancun *
-6:00 Canada Meadow Lake *
-7:00 (DST) USA Los Angeles *
॥ ॐ तत्सत् ॥ October 27 October 28 October 29 October 30 October 31 November 1

* — Pāraṇam (completing the fast by taking water and food) is to be performed during standard period of time: after sunrise and before the first fifth of the daylight ends. Pāraṇam time could be calculated with “Vaiṣṇavaṁ Pañchāṅgam” software.

< — Pāraṇam must be done before the time specified (in 24-hour format)

> — Pāraṇam must be done after the time specified (in 24-hour format)

HV > — The last quater of Ekādaśī-tithi (Hari-vāsara) starts from the time specified (in 24-hour format). If the starting time is after the midnight, the following date is mentioned with the time. The last quater of Ekādaśī-tithi is considered to be Hari-vāsara and should be strictly observed with Ekādaśī vows even when the observation of Ekādaśī fast follows the next day.

Go-vatsa-dvādaśī, beginning of Kārtika-ārādhanam

On Go-vatsa-dvādaśī cows and calves - and Bhagavān with devatās present in them - are worshipped. This day marks the beginning of Kārtika-ārādhanam - nightly worship of Viṣṇu-Dāmodara with oil lamps (dīpas) placed outside - which lasts until Pūrṇimā (full moon). Dīpas are lit up in the sandhyā, dusk. As in any worship of Bhagavān, not only is He offered the worship but the act of offering and the offering itself are also worshipped as being permeated with His presence. It can be done with the following śloka:

दीपज्योतिः परब्रह्म दीप सर्वतमोपह ।
दीपेन साध्यते सारं सन्ध्यादीप नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

dīpa-jyotiḥ parabrahma dīpa sarva-tamopaha •
dīpena sādhyate sāraṁ sandhyā-dīpa namo’stu te ••

“Parabrahma, the shine of light! The light, dispelling tamas! The purport is gained by light; the Light, guiding us through the darkness! I bow before You in namaḥ.”


At night, after the sunset one shall worship Bhagavān and Gaṅgā-Devī, present in a metal vessel with hot water. Sālagrāma-śīlā is placed on the vessel. Svastikam is drawn on the ground or on the floor in front of the vessel. The fire under the vessel is kept all night long, and early in the morning on Naraka-ćaturdaśī this water is used to perform ablution.

Also at night an oil lamp is lit on the southern side of a temple or a house as an offering to Yama.


Naraka-ćaturdaśī — the day of killing of Narakāsura and rescue of sixteen thousand princesses who would become wives of Śrī-Kṛṣṇa. Before the rise of Sūrya, at the rise of Ćandra (Moon), in Kṛṣṇa-maṭha an ablution of Śrī-Kṛṣṇa's Form is performed: Svāmī rubs the Mūrti with aromatic oil, laves Him with warm water and wipes Him with gram flour; after that the remainder of the oil and flour is distributed among those present who use it for their ablutions. This rite is performed in memory of the oil ablution performed by Śrī-Kṛṣṇa before assaulting Narakāsura in Pragjyotiṣpura (modern Guwahati, state of Assam).

In due time i.e. on the night of Jala-pūrṇa-trayodaśī before the dawn, at the rise of Ćandra,* on Ćaturdaśī-tithi, it is necessary to perform ablution with oil (sesame or any other available and suitable) and warm water, wiping the oil with gram flour (if available). Then it is necessary to make an offering to Yama (deity of death and afterlife justice) and Viṣṇu present in him. You can find the time of the moonrise at your location in Vaiṣṇavam Pañćāṅgam software or online, for example, here.

* Attention! Ćandra, unlike Sūrya, rises at different times of the day. Before the new moon (amāvāsyā) Ćandra rises shortly before the rise of Sūrya.

The mantra of offering Yama water and tila (sesame seeds):

यमाय धर्म्मराजाय मृत्यवे चान्तकाय च ।
वैवस्वताय कालाय सर्वभूतक्षयाय च ।
औदुम्बराय दध्नाय नीलाय परमेष्ठिने ।
वृकोदराय चित्राय चित्रगुप्ताय वै नमः ॥

yamāya dharmmarājāya mṛtyave ćāntakāya ća •
vaivasvatāya kālāya sarvabhūtakṣayāya ća •
audumbarāya dadhnāya nīlāya parameṣṭhine •
vṛkodarāya ćitrāya ćitraguptāya vai namaḥ ••

On that day Lakṣmī wakens from sleep (a fortnight before Nārāyaṇa). After the setting of Sūrya she is offered an oil lamp.

Ablutions and worship on the day of Naraka-ćaturdaśī attract mercy of Lakṣmī and benefit the afterlife of the performer and his ancestors. Failure to observe Naraka-ćaturdaśī incurs attention of Alakṣmī and disfavour of Lakṣmī: poverty for several lives and widowhood.


In continuation of celebrating killing of Narakāsura and triumph of true knowledge over darkness — which had been allowed temporary success — oil lamps are lit indoors and outside.

The festival of Dīpāvalī has no proved reference to Rāma-līlā. In the extant śāstras nothing is said about the precise time of Bhagavān Rāma's coming back to Ayodhya (after 14 years of exile and victory over Rāvaṇa) but tithi is mentioned: Pañćamī. Dīpāvalī, however, is observed on аmāvāsya, the new moon.

Rāma went into exile by His father's wish immediately after the anniversary of His birth (when He was supposed to accede to the throne). The birthday of Rāma is well-known: it's the bright navamī in the month of Ćaitra, almost half a year apart from the current month of Kārtik. Rāma returned to Ayodhya after full 14 years of absence (as He had promised before leaving). Therein is another discrepancy.

As a matter of fact, Naraka-ćaturdaśī and Dīpāvalī — are two interrelated festivals. The festival of lights is considered to be established by Śrī-Kṛṣṇa in token of His victory over Narakāsura, triumph of the light of knowledge over the darkness and anguish of pseudoknowledge.


In Vṛndāvana: Govardhana-pūjā since morning. Everywhere: Go-pūjā, a special worship of cattle (by bathing, feeding, garlands).


In the evening of this day — obligatory offering to Bali Mahārāja and Viṣṇu-Vāmana, present in him. (It is customary to worship an image of Bali drawn on the ground or paper specially for the occasion).

बलिराज नमस्तुभ्यं विरोचनसुत प्रभो ।
भविष्येन्द्र सुराराते पूजेयं प्रतिगृह्यताम् ॥
बलिराज नमस्तुभ्यं दैत्यदानववन्दित ।
इन्द्रशत्रोऽमराराते विष्णुसान्निध्यदो भव ॥

balirāja namas tubhyaṁ viroćanasuta prabho •
bhaviṣyendra surārāte pūjeyaṁ pratigṛhyatām ••
balirāja namas tubhyaṁ daitya-dānava-vandita •
idra-śatro ’marārāte viṣṇu-sānnidhyado bhava ••

“Balirāja! Namo unto you, powerful scion of Viroćana! Future Indra, the foe of suras! accept this pūjā!

“Balirāja! Namo unto you, the deity of daityas and dānavas! The foe of Indra! Assailant of heaven dwellers! Become a bestower of the feeling of reality of Viṣṇu's presence!”

This evening also marks the beginning of Tulasī-pūjā, worship of Tulasī plant and twelve rūpas of Bhagavān present in her. Nightly Tulasī-pūjā is to be performed up to and including dvādaśī which follows Prabodhinī ekādaśī.

Kindly direct your inquiries upon fasts and vratas, as well as corrections, suggestions, infromation on time zone changes, and requests to include new places for calculation to ekaadashii@gmail.com.

Ekādaśī-vratas are calculated with “Vaiṣṇavaṁ Pañchāṅgam”, created by Āśutoṣa. You may support the development of this software through Github "Sponsor" button (look for the heart symbol).

Respectfully yours,

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