
Prabodhinī Ekādaśī, Utthāna-dvādaśī, Vaikuṇṭha-ćaturdaśī, Gaurī Pūrṇimā

॥ श्रीः ॥ November 11 November 12 November 13 November 14 November 15 November 16
+5:30 India Udupi Prabodhinī Ekādaśī * Utthāna-dvādaśī,

Lakṣa-dīpotsava starts,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
Kolkata * Vaikuṇṭha-ćaturdaśī, Dhātrī-pūjā, Gaurī Pūrṇimā
Manali * Vaikuṇṭha-ćaturdaśī,

Gaurī Pūrṇimā
New Delhi *
Bengaluru *
Gokarna *
Morjim *
+5:00 Tajikistan Dushanbe *
Russia Perm *
Ufa *
Orenburg *
Yekaterinburg Prabodhinī Ekādaśī * Utthāna-dvādaśī,

Lakṣa-dīpotsava starts,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
Surgut *
Chelyabinsk *
+5:00 Kazakhstan Aktobe *
Aktau *
Kokshetau *
Almaty *
Tekeli *
Ust-Kamenogorsk (Oskemen) *
+6:00 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek *
Russia Omsk *
+7:00 Krasnoyarsk Prabodhinī Ekādaśī * Utthāna-dvādaśī,

Lakṣa-dīpotsava starts,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
Novokuznetsk *
Novosibirsk *
Barnaul *
Tomsk *
Thailand Ko Pha-ngan * Vaikuṇṭha-ćaturdaśī,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
+8:00 Indonesia Denpasar *
+9:00 Russia Mirny *
+10:00 Khabarovsk *
Vladivostok *
+12:00 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky * Vaikuṇṭha-ćaturdaśī, Dhātrī-pūjā Gaurī Pūrṇimā
+4:00 Armenia Yerevan Prabodhinī Ekādaśī * Utthāna-dvādaśī,

Lakṣa-dīpotsava starts,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
Georgia Tbilisi *
Russia Samara *
+3:00 Volgograd *
+4:00 Ulyanovsk *
+3:00 Pyatigorsk *
Stavropol *
Semikarakorsk *
Krasnodar *
Kerch *
Simferopol *
Russia Donetsk *
Stary Oskol Prabodhinī Ekādaśī * Utthāna-dvādaśī,

Lakṣa-dīpotsava starts,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
Lipetsk *
+3:00 Voronezh *
Tambov *
Kazan *
Cheboksary *
Kirov *
Rostov-on-Don *
Russia Ryazan *
Moscow *
Dubna *
+3:00 Velikiy Novgorod HV > 08:15 12.11 *
Saint Petersburg Prabodhinī Ekādaśī * Utthāna-dvādaśī,

Lakṣa-dīpotsava starts,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
Murmansk 10:14–10:31
Kostomuksha 09:29–10:31
Arkhangelsk *
Smolensk *
Belarus Gomel *
Minsk HV > 08:15 12.11 *
Grodno 08:51–10:31
+2:00 Ukraine Kharkov *
Poltava *
Kremenchug *
Krivoy Rog *
Kiev Prabodhinī Ekādaśī * Utthāna-dvādaśī,

Lakṣa-dīpotsava starts,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
Kropyvnytskyi (Kirovograd) *
Nikolaev *
Odessa *
Rovno HV > 07:15 12.11 *
+2:00 Kolomyia *
Israel Ashkelon *
Moldova Kishinev *
Cyprus Nicosia *
Latvia Riga HV > 07:15 12.11 08:04–09:31
Jurmala 08:05–09:31
Estonia Tallinn 08:15–09:31
Lithuania Vilnius Prabodhinī Ekādaśī * Utthāna-dvādaśī,

Lakṣa-dīpotsava starts,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
+1:00 Poland Warsaw HV > 06:15 12.11 06:56–08:31
Austria Vienna 07:01–08:31
Germany Hitzacker 07:40–08:31
Dillingen an der Donau 07:26–08:31
Eppingen 07:34–08:31
Switzerland Biel/Biennne 07:35–08:31
France Marseille 07:32–08:31
Spain Barcelona 07:40–08:31
Madrid 08:01–08:31
Seuta 07:58–08:31
+0:00 UK London HV > 05:15 12.11 07:18–07:31
-4:00 Canada Fredericton HV > 01:15 12.11 Prabodhinī Ekādaśī * Utthāna-dvādaśī,

Lakṣa-dīpotsava starts,


Gaurī Pūrṇimā
-5:00 Toronto HV > 00:15 12.11 *
USA New York City *
Miami *
Mexico Cancun *
-6:00 Canada Meadow Lake HV > 23:15 *
-8:00 USA Los Angeles HV > 21:15 *
॥ ॐ तत्सत् ॥ November 11 November 12 November 13 November 14 November 15 November 16

* — Pāraṇam (completing the fast by taking water and food) is to be performed during standard period of time: after sunrise and before the first fifth of the daylight ends. Pāraṇam time could be calculated with “Vaiṣṇavaṁ Pañchāṅgam” software.

< — Pāraṇam must be done before the time specified (in 24-hour format)

> — Pāraṇam must be done after the time specified (in 24-hour format)

HV > — The last quater of Ekādaśī-tithi (Hari-vāsara) starts from the time specified (in 24-hour format). If the starting time is after the midnight, the following date is mentioned with the time. The last quater of Ekādaśī-tithi is considered to be Hari-vāsara and should be strictly observed with Ekādaśī vows even when the observation of Ekādaśī fast follows the next day.

Prabodhinī Ekādaśī

Prabodhinī Ekādaśī is also known as Deva-prabodhinī and Utthānaikādaśī (prabodhanam — “awakening”, utthānam — “getting up”). This day marks the end of Ćāturmāsya vows related to fasting. The vows dealing with adoration, chanting mantras etc, are in effect up to the full moon — Pūrṇimā (it is confirmed by the words of Vrata-kāṇḍa in Skanda-purāṇa: “उपवासस्वरूपाणि व्रतान्यत्यानि सन्ति वै । तानि सर्वानि विप्रेन्द्र प्रबोधिन्यां समापयेत् ॥ . . . इतराणि च सर्वानि पौर्णमास्यां समापयेत्”). Next morning “bipartite” and “multi-seeded” plants are offered to men of merit in sign of completion of the vow.

Utthāna-dvādaśī, Kṣīrābdhi-mahotsava

Dvidala-vrata-samarpaṇam (offering the vows of the last month of Ćāturmāsya):

अनिरुद्ध नमस्तुभ्यं द्विदळाख्यव्रतेन च ।
मत्कृतेनाश्विने मासि प्रीत्यर्त्थं फलदो भव ॥

aniruddha! namas tubhyaṁ dvidaḷākhya-vratena ća •
mat-kṛtenāśvine māsi prīty-artthaṁ phala-do bhava ••

“Aniruddha! Namah unto You! Bestow me the fruits of dvidala-vrata observed by me for Your pleasure in the month of Aśvina!”

Ćāturmāsya-samarpaṇam (offering the vows of the whole Ćāturmāsya):

इदं व्रतं मया देव कृतं प्रीत्यै तव प्रभो ।
न्यूनं सम्पूर्ण्णतां यातु त्वत्प्रसादात् जनार्द्दन ॥

idaṁ vrataṁ mayā deva kṛtaṁ prītyai tava prabho! •
nyūnaṁ sampūrṇṇatāṁ yātu tvat-prasādāt janārddana! ••

“Deva! I observed this vrata for Your satisfaction, Prabho! Gracefully, fill up my deficiencies to perfection, Janārdana!”

In the afternoon Kṣīrābdhi-mahotsava (a milk ablution of Viṣṇu-mūrti) is performed as participation in awakening Bhagavān amidst the Milk Ocean.

Final day of Tulasī-pūjā

Utthāna-dvādaśī — the final day of Tulasī-pūjā which has been performed during 12 days. In the evening a particularly glorious worship of Tulasī and Dāmodara (Who is invisibly present in Tulasī) is performed. Given the opportunity, Dāmodara is worshipped both in Tulasī and Sālagrāma.

Tulasī adoration

तुळसि श्रीसखि शुभे पापहारिणि पुण्यदे ।
नमस्ते नारदनुते नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

tuḷasi śrī-sakhi śubhe pāpa-hāriṇi puṇya-de •
namas te nārada-nute nārāyaṇi namo’stu te ••

Tulasī-Dāmodara-pūjā mantra

श्रीतुळसीसहिताय दामोदराय नमः ।

śrī-tuḷasī-sahitāya dāmodarāya namaḥ •


In the evening of Utthāna-dvādaśī Lakṣa-dīpotsava (“Festival of one hundred thousand of lights”) starts and continues through Pūrṇimā. After nightfall lights are lit in clay, wooden, copper, or golden (in ascending order of preference) oil lamps, fuelled by ghṛta (clarified butter), oil, camphor, etc. The lights are offered to Viṣṇu with His retinue, and arranged as maṇḍalas, svastikas, and other auspicious signs in front of His Form and elsewhere in home, in the street, in the temple, near fruit trees, wells, in groves, on the tops of mountains, at summits and highest points, along roads, etc.

Vaikuṇṭha-ćaturdaśi, Dhātrī-pūjā

After the sunset — Dhātrī-pūjā, adoration of Mother-Tree — Amalakī, or Dhātrī — together with Viṣṇu and devas present in her. Vana-bhojanam — picnic, feast in the lap of nature, accompanied by singing songs (for example, Fourteen paeans or stotras by Śrīmad-Āćārya), dances and discourses about Bhagavān.


It is the last day of Lakṣa-dīpotsava. Vana-bhojanam and Ćandrikā-bhojanam — feast under moonlight.

Kindly direct your inquiries upon fasts and vratas, as well as corrections, suggestions, infromation on time zone changes, and requests to include new places for calculation to ekaadashii@gmail.com.

Ekādaśī-vratas are calculated with “Vaiṣṇavaṁ Pañchāṅgam”, created by Āśutoṣa. You may support the development of this software through Github "Sponsor" button (look for the heart symbol).

Respectfully yours,

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